Pre-Workshop Reception

The NYU Tandon School of Engineering invites you to the Brooklyn Navy Yard to view the world premiere of the short, animated film Alice in Algorithmia and learn about faculty research across several centers and departments - including the Center for Responsible AI (R/AI) and Integrated Media and Design (IDM) - in Tandon’s newest studio space, NYU Tandon @ the Yard.

The film Alice in Algorithmia is an engaging, layperson-friendly introduction to the importance of safe and trustworthy AI systems. Created by Institute Associate Professor of Computer Science & Engineering Julia Stoyanovich, director of the School's Center for Responsible AI, the film is part of the Center’s literacy and public engagement portfolio. Stoyanovich will sit down with the film’s award-winning animator, Alex Budovsky for a discussion of the creative process and the film’s themes, as well as an audience Q&A.

This event will also feature Algorithm Takedown, an animated music video that is commissioned by Music Professor of Percussion Studies Jonathan Haas and is based on the music written by legendary drummer Lenny White, who recorded with Miles Davis and Chick Corea. In perfect synchronization animation follows and underlines the lyrics written and performed by rapper Walter West. Over the past year and a half, the film has received twenty-two awards at various film festivals around the globe.

Attendees will have a chance to tour the 14,000-square-foot facility, which has been described as a “must-see,” and will be treated to several demonstrations that intertwine technology and art. Guided by members of the IDM program, you will learn about Point-Cloud Video (PCV) technology that allows viewers to “move” within an immersive video environment, observing objects and scenes from any angle or distance as if they were physically present, and delve into the possibilities of motion capture and volumetric capture, all while exploring augmented and virtual reality.

Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres will be served.

Where: The Brooklyn Navy Yard, Building 22

When: September 27, 2024 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm

Attendees will receive a visitor pass to access the Brooklyn Navy Yard